The Benefits of Email Automation for eCommerce Businesses


Email is still a big part of ecommerce marketing and should not be overlooked. A recent report has stated that email generates $42 for every $1 spent, which is a jaw-dropping 4200% ROI. 

Email can be the key to connecting with new customers while continually engaging with existing customers to attract repeat sales. With today’s technology, it’s easy to set up automated flows that are triggered based on specific actions or criteria.

Through email automation, you can generate revenue on autopilot, even while you sleep! 

What Is Email Automation?

Email automation entails setting up email campaigns to automatically reach audiences at various stages of the buyer’s journey. Once people subscribe to your email list, you can use automation to send emails based on certain triggers or after a period of time passes.

For instance, you might send a welcome email automatically to people who have just signed up on your website or subscribed to your newsletter. This would help you stay connected with audiences without the need to spend time and energy on manually crafting and sending each email.

The Advantages of Email Automation for eCommerce Brands

There are several key benefits of email automation for eCommerce businesses of all types. These advantages include:

Boost Revenue

One of the main benefits of email automation is the ability to increase revenue by a large amount. One report found that emails see a conversion rate that’s 359% higher than that of promotional campaigns. If your emails are prompt, relevant, and valuable, people are much more likely to click through to your website or other destinations.

Maintain Consistent Brand Communication

Automated emails can work to keep audiences engaged with your brand alongside newsletters and other correspondence. They supplement more promotional emails by simply reminding customers of you and keeping your brand in the spotlight through their inboxes.

Some automated email messages that maintain communication could include a replenishment reminder if they haven’t ordered, a post purchase “thank you” email following a sale, or an abandoned cart reminder of items still sitting in people’s shopping carts.

Stay Relevant

If you’ve built the right audience, your automated emails will always be relevant to them. Whether for product recommendations or other types of messages, you’ll be able to ensure that every email is something that your audiences will be interested in receiving.

Spend More Time on Managing Your Business

Once you’ve initially set up your automated email messaging, sit back and let them go to work for you. Based on specific triggers, your emails will go to the right people at the right time. This gives you the chance to spend more time on running and growing your business. Subsequently, you can scale your email automation efforts to keep up with growing contact lists as well as the addition of new products, features, or other elements.

Common Types of Automated Email Flows

With the above benefits in mind, there are several ways you can experience them with different types of automated email flows. Some examples of email flows include:

Welcome Emails

When people enter your sales funnel and contact list, you can send an automated welcome email that introduces people to your brand and what it’s about. People are often likely to open these emails immediately after opting into your email, engaging them from the start of their interaction with you.

Abandoned Cart Reminders

One of the biggest issues that eCommerce businesses must deal with is abandoned shopping carts. Most of the time, people abandon carts because of a cost they didn’t anticipate such as shipping or taxes. In some cases, they could have simply been distracted and therefore didn’t complete the purchase. An automated email reminder could nudge them to purchase is when they might otherwise forget about it. 

Relevant Product Recommendations

You can also use eCommerce email automation to connect with customers through personalized product recommendations. These could be based on previous orders for existing customers to encourage repeat sales while stealing thunder from competitors who might be vying for their attention. They could also make recommendations based on customers’ interests even when they haven’t made a purchase, which would point them in the right direction toward their first order.

Feedback and Review Requests

Getting feedback and reviews from customers is crucial in helping you optimize your business’s performance. Using automated emails, you could ask for reviews and feedback after a customer makes a purchase.

Feedback can help you improve in areas that are concerning to customers while reviews establish trust for those that have yet to make a purchase. 

Not only can this provide you with valuable insights into the customer experience, but you can also generate more positive reviews and show customers that you care about their input.

Use eCommerce Email Automation to Drive Success

Email is a vital element of any successful business today but requires a high level of expertise for it to be effective. Want more help with growing your eCommerce brand? Gray Growth Logistics offers consulting services to give your business the ability to thrive. Contact us to learn more about what we can do to help fuel your company’s success.


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